Beautiful and unique Tourmalinated Quartz statement disc macrame pendant
Clear Quartz amplifies vibratory energies and intentions. ... Tourmalinated Quartz helps to integrate and heal the shadow energies and to release the outworn patterns and re-establishes energetic flow with emotional clarity. It helps one feel both enlightened and grounded.
Tourmalinated Quartz brings forth energies of enlightenment and understanding of the physical realm around you. The Tourmaline included within the Quartz helps activate and open your root chakra, enabling the body and mind to connect to Mother Earth. One can rejuvenate their physical body while also relinquishing negative thoughts or ideas within the mind. The Quartz only enhances this effect and can instantly elevate one’s consciousness and mental understanding of the world. Sometimes, an external reminder is needed to realign your values and decide if the path you're currently on is the correct one.